
# Homeopathic medicine for weeping

# Normal informatin about Dengue 

#Homeopathic medicine for children's ailments

#Homeopathic medicine for cracks


Know about group:-

The main feeling of calcarea is need for stability and security.
Calcium offers protection in the form of bone and in  earlier forns of life in the form of shell.

Calcium and magnesium have emotional insecurity at their core but cause of insecurity is different .
Calcium insecurity is because of over protected background , child feels insecure to take a risk , anable to take his own decissions..

Causes n clinical signs n symptoms of Hypo and Hyper Calcemia -


CAUSES - pancreatitis, raised serum organic phophate, hypoproteinemia, acute magnesemia , hypofunction of thyroid n germinal gland, hypoparathyroid , excess fluoride salt and high dose of steroids..


Increased neuromuscular and vagus irritability.
Slow contraction of cardiac muscles , QT interval increases and Bradicardia leads to death in diastole.
Hypofunction or cystic degeneration of ovary.
Non rupture of graffian follicles, defective formation of corpus leteum resulting in Absence of menses or too Early or too Profuse menses .
Carpal and Pedal Spasm, Anxiety , Seizures ,Broncho spasm..


Excessive skeletal calcium causes release.

Excess absorption from intestine.

Inadequate excretion from kidneys.


Gradual increase in anorexia .
Nausea, Vomiting, Constipation,Depression, Sleepy state .
Formation of Renal/ Gallbladder/Salivary Stones.

ABSORPTION of CALCIUM occurs from intestinal tract.
RESORPTION from bone minerals.
EXCRETION occursthrough urine, minor extent in sweat n GIT.





















(a) Most CARBONS and CARBONATES are thirsty.
    CARBONS: Carb-veg, Carbo-an, Carb-sulph, Carb-ac, Graph, Kreos, Petrol.
    CARBONATES: Calc-carb, Kali-carb, Mag-carb, Nat-carb, Amm-carb

(b) Most POLYCHREST are thirsty: Sulph, Nat-mur, Phos, Ars, China, Op, Sil, Verat-alb, Stram, Secal-cor, Rhus-tox,

(c) Most angry drugs are thirsty - Nux-vom, Colo, hep-s, Cham, Aco

(d) Most BARYTAS are thirsty - Bar-c, Bar-m, Bar-Iod

(e) Most CALCAREAS are thirsty except Calc-p which can be thirstless also.

(f) Most MERCURIES are thirsty except Merc-cor and Merc-i-r which can be thirstless also.

(g) Most KALIS are thirsty except Kali-c, kali-P which can be thirstless also.

(h) Most NATRUMS are thirsty

(i) Most MAGNESIUMS are thirsty but to a lesser degree than natrums.

(j) All SNAKES are thirsty

(k) Most SPIDERS are thirsty except Tarentula which can be thirstless

(l) Most METALS are THIRSTLESS except Cup-met, Plb

(m) Most ACIDS are THIRSTLESS but desires juices and refreshing things

(n) POLYCHREST which are THIRSTLESS are Lyc, Puls, Amm-mur, China, Gels, Sep, Apis, Ant-tart, Nux-mosh, Tarent, kali-c.

☆ Homeopathy for alopecia: -

"Baldness has become a common problem, whether female or male, the problem may be both. Baldness called alopecia. When unusually rapid hair loss seem & new hair not grow as fast or thinner or weaker than they grow back hair. So go ahead and are more likely to be bald ..

★ baldness due to: -

"Hair loss or loss is a serious problem. There are many reasons, such as hair loss or baldness hair roots grow weaker, the pituitary gland (gland Pius) reduction in the hormone, the head of perspiration excess, lack of nutrients in the roots of the hair, anger, grief, anxiety, more mental labor, more hot food, head warming, food Minirls vitamins, fiber and core juice hormone deficiency, decrease in blood circulation to remain constant headaches.
Minerals are found in our food.
→ we like to present the details of the food elements
The most important element which can overcome baldness zinc, copper, iron and silica content.
The elements are found in zinc eliminating baldness. Bananas, figs, Bengn, potato and strawberry satisfactory amounts of zinc are contained.
Copper elements strengthens our immune system protects the hair. Copper helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood. Lentils, soybeans and copper element is found in Walnut etc.
Iron is necessary for the safety and nutrition of the hair element. Peas, carrots, chicory, cucumber, and spinach have enough iron. It is appropriate to include in your diet.
Silica element is present in rice and mango.

★ Homeopathic medicine for baldness: -

"Lycopodim, Phos, Mezerium,Thuja,Sulphur,Psorinum,
Baryta carb,Silicea etc. is highly effective

☆FEW IMPORTANT TIPS of Materia Medica:

》When free ( In leisure):

→Phosphorus will go to opera ( Museum)

→Pulsatilla will visit friends.

→Tuberculinum will desire to wander and travel.

→Lachesis will go for shoping, esp.clothes.

→Natrum mur will go back to home, will stay with family.

→Arsenic will stay at home, will do some artistic work.

→Medorrinum will like to see sea.

→Sulphur will like to read books.

→Kali sulph will enjoy seeing others being happy.

→Arsenic is aristocrate.

→Phosphorus is attractive.

→Lycopodium is handsome.

→Pulsatilla is pretty.

→Carcinocin is beautiful.

→Platina is like queen.( Arogant)


→Arsenic is well organized.

→Lachesis is interesting.

→Sulphur is boring and philosophical.

→Natrum mur is right on the target.

》Atitude for--------

→Arsenic for art.

→Phosphorus and Pulsatilla for friends.

→Lycopodium for politics.

→Natrum mur for teaching and counseling.

→Kali bichrom for army.

→Sulphur for business and scholarship.

》Inborn quality---------

→Pulsatilla child is sweet and playful.

→Cina child is irritating.( Ill-humored)

→Chamomilla child is constantly weeping..( Whining.)

→Tarentulla child is hyperactive.

→Sulphur child is dirty.

→Tuberculinum child loves dancing and music.

→Baryta carb child is silly.

→Calc.carb child is fair, fat and flabby.( Scrofulous.)

→Hyoscyamus child is curious.(Inquistive)

→Stramonium child is terrified.

→Carcinocin child is intellectual.

→Causticum and Phosphorus child is fearful.

→Natrum mur child is sad and withheld.

→Kali brom child is terrified.

→Ignatia child is born intelligent.


→Playing with the toy cars------ Calc.phos

→Playing with the toy cars by doing accidents to each other ----Tuberculinum.

→Playing with the toy cars, just by breaking it and enjoying-----Tarentula.


Patients that are tearful are covered by the following twenty remedies.
Acon, APIS, Ant. t, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carbo veg, CAUST, Dig, GRAPH, Hep, IGN, LYC, NAT. MUR, Phos, PULS, RHUS, SULPH, SEP, VERAT. ALB.
Your leaders will be:
Apis, when they are discouraged and despondent.
Calcarea carb., when they are easily offended. Despair of life.
Causticum, is hopeless, looks on dark side of everything; weeps during day; whines; least thing makes child cry.
Graphites, has inclination to weep; cries about slightest occurrence; weeps from music.
Ignatia, has inward grief; alternating weeping and laughter; sits alone and weeps.
Lycopodium, cries all day; weeps when thanked; sensitive and melancholy.
Natrum mur., is sad and weeps without cause; when spoken to; concern about future.
Phosphorus, sadness regularly occurring at twilight; prostrated from least unpleasant impression; tearfulness alternating with mirth.
Pulsatilla, cries from sadness or joy; from vexation and mortification; over nothing; when telling her symptoms.
Rhus tox., has weeping with prostration, worse evening; desires solitude; begins to weep without knowing why.
Sepia, has involuntary weeping; great sadness with frequent attacks of weeping; worse walking in open air.
Sulphur, cries from consolation; during day and because she is depressed about illness.
Veratrum alb., cries, howls and curses over fancied misfortunes.
Less often indicated will be:
Aconite, sadness, alternating with laughter.
Antimonium tart., cries from anger; from being touched; during cough; whines.
Belladonna, howls; cries from vexation and hopelessness.
Carbo veg., thinks he has committed some crime, which causes him to weep.
Digitalis, sighing and weeping; worse from music; tearfulness with low spirits.
Hepar, is low spirited and sad, must cry for hours.

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